Baby Wushu / KungFu
This is an Introductory Wushu class for preschool children. Students will get an introduction to the WuShu Basics and Fundamentals that will help them achieve the next level of training, as well as developing critical social skills. Great for beginners! Recommended for ages 3-4.
Kids Wushu / KungFu
This program focuses on Wushu Fundamentals and hand forms. Through continued practice, students will gradually improve body coordination, strength, and flexibility. Furthermore, the Academy enforces and disciplines student behavior, teaching them to respect their teachers, family, friends, and classmates. Recommended for ages 5-7.
Youth Wushu / KungFu
This class focuses on basic skills and higher level jump kicks, while emphasizing the values and skills of the kids’ Wushu program. Junior competition forms and weapons will also be taught. Recommended for ages 7-15.
Adult Wushu / KungFu
This class is designed for adult beginners who are interested in the sport of Wushu on a casual basis. Basics, difficult techniques and weapons will be taught throughout the semester.
Please join us for a free try out class!